I have made a very simple display in the gallery on a low table. It is marked by many metres of bunting which my friend, designer Sojourner Jones, made specially for the project. Our favourite Dezhurnaya (from last year's Domestic Dialogues, www.domesticdialogues.blogspot.com) was delighted with it and helped advise me in setting it up. She says the bunting is cheerful and brightens my corner up well.
I've set up a miniature DVD player and keep putting out lots of cards about the project, directions for contributing to it and two maps. A map of Shetland sits next to a rather dilapidated map of the world that I bought on Nevsky Prospekt my first night here. Each map has dots showing where people are making films, including Australia, America, London, Scotland, India, China, England, Norway and of course Shetland and St Petersburg. The difference in scale between the two maps is helping trigger discussion and understanding about the local versus the global.